
12:05 AM

Worked some more on my site! I was genuinely so happy to see someone had commented on my guestbook earlier  It makes me super motivated to keep updating the site!

I slightly altered the formatting on some of my pages to make them looks a bit nicer, rather than having a nav bar on every page. I also was able to finish my site button  It's not the fanciest, but I'm pretty proud of the turnout. (which, doesn't take much for me, lol)

I only have my about section to polish up, and then all the links on my index page will be actual functioning links!- just ignore all the other stuff I have yet to do   I won't let that overwhelm me though, as I think I'm making some decent progress.

Aside from website stuff, I'm starting a new Skyrim save on pc for the first's super fun and addicting on console, so I wanted to buy it and try a different build this time. Also planning on getting some new rpgs to try out- and hopefully review! My birthday is coming up at the end of the week, so maybe I will treat myself to a few things~

More things to come in the future for this site, so thanks to anyone who decides to give a follow, or even a visit!

See you all next time! ~Nana   

12:27 AM

Completely reworked my website...I am happier with this theme than the last, as I can include lots of links and it's a pretty simple layout. Hopefully I will actually stick with it this time  

I have SO many ideas that I want to work out for this you can probably tell by all the links that lead to no where, lol. I have a hard time staying motivated most of the time, so we'll see how it goes. I'd like to make each page different from the next, but that is something I won't accomplish for a while yet. I'll just keep hard at work at making pages for all the links.

I think the next page I will be working on is the reviews page! I think that one's going to be the most complicated...but honestly, the page I'm having the hardest time figuring out is the about page. I genuinely don't know what to say about myself     I also need to make myself a site button...but should I even do that when my site isn't even 10% done?

I'll stop rambling for now. To anyone who actually reads this, THANK YOU! I will do my best to make my thoughts as interesting as possible~

Till next time, Nana